Planet Sand Documentary    


The problem of desertified land is in front of the world. It's not only climate change but also human activities. The fight against this phenomenon is one of the biggest challenges of the XXI century. Everywhere scientists, individuals and authorities are hard at work. This is the time to present the state of deserts in the world. After the Ice Planet Collection, Mona Lisa Production, ARTE, CNRS (and IRD) has launched other collection Planet Sand.
This series is about the impact of desert performance on human life and the human impact on desertification, use and management. Including a global concept, it will, as the desert has no boundaries, present research and scientific experiments to fight against the desertification for international cooperation and sharing by the whole world. The film will be in French and English for the global audience. The main method of film is in aerial drone and digital HD with microscopic device.
 The series 5x 52' will be :
        1. Great deserts (China) : The green great well vs. yellow desert
        2.The Aral desert (Central Asia): The Aralkum, the youngest desert in the world
        3. The Atacama Desert (Chile / Peru): Atacama, in pursuit of water
        4. The Sahara (Sahel Senegal / Morocco / Chad / Burkina Faso) Sahara, the recovery of lost land
        5. Australian deserts (Australia): The desert continent


Episode I :
China, green plants vs yellow sand


Juan Shen- co-author; responsible for communication and documents
Thierry Berrod- Producer, director, co-author
Quincy Russell- Cameraman

One episode of Planet Sand - China : green plants vs yellow sand concerns the Chinese deserts in the provinces of Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Gansu in China, there are seven great deserts and three great desert lands. which are occupied 27% of the land. These areas around the capital Beijing unbalance the ecosystem not only locally but also have long been environmental problems. The Chinese government has launched 20 years ago a reforestation program. Is China can be benefited?
 The film tells mainly, around Beijing and its environment of desertification, measures and creative practices against desertification and to govern deserts. it concern the sands industry, the Chinese people living in desertified land in harmony with the desert.
Supported by the French National Centre for Scientific Research and the Academy of Sciences of China, this episode will cooperate with the Chinese State Administration of Forestry, the China Meteorological Administration, the institutes of research on deserts and desertification, and also the companies.


Planet Deserts - Fine books
 1/4 of the surface of the Earth is the desertified land. Desertification has become more serious environmental problems of our planet, and the fight against desertification is indeed a major task in the world today. This is why June 17 was named by the United Nations as the International Day for the fight against desertification and drought.
 What problems of civilization which are in the case of desertification? What civilization will be destroyed or re-established in desertified areas? Civilization is indeed a harmony of biosystem. Elements such as land, water, forests, air and human form an interactive relationship chain, the desertification is a result caused by actions that destroy the relationship of biosystem.


Planet Ice - Documentary/Fine books

This Documentary/book invites us on a spectacular discovery of the worlds’ most outstanding glaciers. They’ve survived for millennia, but have they still a future? This book will show us their beautiful life, exist and threatened by global warming - "melt" at an alarming rate.



Production Monalisa Production


Rusty Paradise Documentary

We consume, we throw out. But what happens to our more bulky waste? All around the world, we depart to encounter these atypical cemeteries where land our scrap heaps. Trains, boats, planes, tanks... Their huge carcasses pile up over acres, creating apocalyptic landscapes of monstrous beauty.
Ecological disasters for some, works of art for others, one thing is certain, they leave no one indifferent. All of these wrecks announce the end of the post-industrial era and consumerism as we know it. In ‘1000 years’, the rare
cemeteries preserved will be the Necropolises of our 20th century society. Veritable testimonial museums of a post- industrial past.

1 x 52’ et 1 x 43’
Episode 1 – Military Vehicle Cemeteries
Episode 2 – Transport Vehicle Cemeteries
Episode 3 – Automobile and Bicycle Cemeteries
Episode 4 -  Rusty Paradise and Ruins

Monalisa Production



SanQin Press

Monalisa Production


Civilization Center
Peking Unoversity

CNRS Beijing Office

Civilization, Archaeology and Art

China civilization in the heritage
     Buddha, a spiritual world
     Euroasia, the silk road

Language and Heritage

     Heritage and communication
     Intercultural Communication

Our Planet
     Planet Sand and Ice

New programs


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